Sunday, November 30, 2008


You would have to be in an ice cave in The Himalayas to not have heard about these 10 missionaries of the "peaceful religion" of Islam that went "soul winning" in Mumbai, India last week. Well, it seems that they ran into a little bit of trouble while on their door to door visitation, and 9 of the brave, loving, dedicated souls ended up getting killed.

But one heroic young soul-winner lived to tell the tale!

I kinda feel bad for the boy. I know how frustrating it can be to plan to kill 5,000 people, and only end up whacking about 300 or so. But on the bright side, they did get to torture a few folks before they killed 'em. That can sure make up for a lot of disappointment!

This article from the UK Mail is hard to least it's hard for me to read. (It's not that I can't read good, or the words are too big neither). The details given might be shocking to you, but they shouldn't be. Nothing about these subhumans shocks me anymore.

I'll tell you, I think these Islamic terrorists are getting desperate. They're probably running out of little kids, and retarded women that they can just strap bombs on to go out evangelizing! It seems that they had to use adults with no handicaps (other than being possessed by satan himself) to carry out this mission. I'll tell you, these peace-loving Muslims are really off their game. They're gonna have to do better if they plan to "win the world" for Allah and his prophet!

As a Christian I really struggle with this kind of thing. It's so easy to throw away the things I believe about a Christian response to a demonic act. And it was really easy once again when I read the article. So, I did!

"Kill the sombitch!" was my first thought. Then my thoughts turned more dark and evil than just murder. "No, put him in a dark hole with Leroy and his boyfriend Bubba...yea, find them Deliverance guys." "No, put the joker on display in the city square in a cage, naked (that means with no clothes on). About 3 or 4 times a day take him out of the cage and horse-whip him...but not so hard he dies. And let people throw food at him for his survival. Don't ever let him bathe, or give him any toilet paper. Let the worthless piece of crap rot to death in his own filth...then he'll be real spiffy when he finally meets all them virgins, and obtains his reward from Allah!"

But then that one "Better Angel" that always bothers me when I'm at my Christian worse came calling again...and I regained my composure. I hope this 21 year old subhuman lives a long life in an Indian prison. My ultimate hope is that he will one day convert to Christ. But absent that, I hope that every day he sees the faces of his victims, is denied a Koran or prayer time, and any contact with any human ever! Just 4 walls, bread & water, a cot, and a pot. Let him exercise in the sunshine, no fresh air, no nothing!

And oh yea...pipe in all the bad American Idol singing auditions, 24/7...

Jesus taught us to do unto others as we would that they do unto us. I think if I had killed all those folks that's about the punishment that I would want.

I don't know though, I might figure that I deserved execution. Okay, kill the sombitch, and it'll be okay with me!

I did a little research and was kinda surprised. India doesn't execute many people. In fact, it looks like Texas offs more folks in a year than India in a half century. It's a real interesting article. And when they do execute, they do it the humane way. They hang folks instead of beheading 'em like Muslim missionaries do.

It's an evil enemy that we face my friends! Evil! Evil! Evil!


  1. Andy,

    I know what you mean about bad thoughts. Yet, the American people, along with most of the rest of the civilized world, seem not to understand that we are at war. George W. has not lost sight of this fact, but the press and everyone that will listen to them seems to have. God help us in the coming years, when the fact is made unmistakable as a truly savage act is bound to come. More savage than we can even imagine.

    We have to remember, however, that not all Islamic people are the enemy. However, so far, all of the enemy seem to be Islamic. By logic, that means that the Islamic people of the world are going to be subject to extra scrutiny. Until they police the nut jobs that are shielding themselves with Islam, they are all going to be suspect.

    Islamic folks aren't alone. We must remember that there are Christian nut jobs too. We, too, could have our faith perverted to evil uses. We must guard against that, and have the courage to stop it if it should happen.

    The last years of prosperity, me firstism and all of that have caused many in the West to lose sight of the fact that evil does exist and can be a force in the world. We choose too often to attribute evil actions to a bad childhood, economic situation, etc. Sometimes it is just evil at work, and should be recognized as such. We have to stop making excuses for evil, both within our society and without.

    I'm cautious with my judgment. Too often differences in thoughts, dress, action, etc. are interpreted as evil. Those kinds of differences are easy to seize on, but are not real evil. Evil is much deeper. It goes to intent, and is not on the surface of how we speak, think, or act in what are really superficial ways.

    I know some strange people, who think differently than I do, who dress differently than I do, who worship God differently than I do. Yet, they are not evil. There is not absence of good in what they do. They may approach good differently, but they are not about destruction of good. Most of us are innocent in our approach to life. We set about to build, comfort and offer love. We do not do so in a false or empty sense based on pure, ruthless, evil, power.

    Let us not be too quick to judge, lest we be judged. Yet, let us not be paralyzed from making judgment when the case is clear and the intent is truly evil. Let us be willing to act against evil whether it come from Muslim, Christian, or any other quarter. Let us regain the ability to see rather than always invent excuses. Let all the good people of the world do so.

  2. Walt, thank God for a sane voices. I can't find anything to disagree with you about.

    That's frightening!

    Heck, when I grow up I might be just like you...that's frighte...never mind.

    We do have to guard our own hearts to not take on the hatred of our enemies. "Hate" will put you in the grave just as quickly as "pride" will put you in the poor-house.

    The "Christian" faith encompasses probably as broad a cloth as Islam does...and we've had (and still have) our nut jobs. Some are violent and vicious, and some are just harmless contrarians.

    While I won't disagree with you when you say that a truly savage act is bound to come...more savage than we can imagine...I will say respectfully that I hope you are wrong.

    It's probably a vain hope (since I agree with you), but it might keep that bothersome "Better Angel" off my back for a while.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?