Sunday, January 4, 2009


Has it really only been eight years? It must seem like two lifetimes to President Bush since he first swore the oath.

I've been paying attention to politics since Nixon was President, and I can truthfully say that I feel sorry for Bush. Only "big boys" can play the game of big-time politics for sure. Anyone aspiring to high office has got to know that there are elbows in the paint, and biting under the pile. But what President Bush has faced is truly a shame.

Now y'all know that I'm not the biggest Bush fan. I've been very disappointed with many things he has done...many bad policies. I'd never be one to criticize his execution as President, because everybody is human, nobody is make your calls and you live with them. But I will criticize his bad policies.

But the barrage of pure evil hatred that this good and decent man has had to face is truly a national sin in my book. I won't bore you all by chronicling it, because you've lived through it, witnessed it first hand, etc.

President Obama will not face the same fate...I hope. He may though, because as I have always said, Obama is the kind of guy that really wears thin on you. He's impressive at first, but after a while his grandiosity (is that a word?) seems much less real, morphing into arrogance. He will be shown to be a lightweight. He will not have a successful Presidency, because an arrogant man can not (I'm not even sure a humble man can anymore). But he has one thing going for him that Bush did not. He's black. Nobody's gonna call him Chimpy McHitler, or any such thing...I hope.

I know that President Bush is tired. Even as his days wind down in office, the Arab terrorist Donkeys and the Jews are at it again. And true to form, President Bush is calling a spade a spade in this whole deal. President Bush's remarks can be read here.

So no rest for the weary. Bush and Rice will probably be working on this right up 'til they hand the keys over. Lord, how frustrating must that be? To be forced to work on a problem for eight years that you know has no solution...but it's your responsibility, so you do. Think about that. What if you were required to solve the problem of putting a square peg into a round hole, and spent a good bit of your time for eight years trying to accomplish just that? You find that it's impossible after the first few days, but your job requires you to keep at frustrating.

Well, that's a baton he's gonna hand off to the miracle man, too. We'll see how Obama handles his lap.


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