Monday, March 2, 2009


Well, I didn't watch my Goober Bobby Jindal last night on 60 Minutes.

I had a couple of good reasons for not watching. Number 1 is that CBS sucks, and anything they produce "in house" is a waste of waking hours. Number 2 is that my toenails and nose hair were both about 1/2" too long, and needed trimming.

But, this morning on the local news they were talking all about it. The local news guy said, "Morley Schafer (hmm...I'm wondering if he's the pen guy, or the cheap skunky beer guy) referred to Jindal as an 'awkward young man...not ready for prime time'."

Well, I've been telling y'all forever that Bobby's not ready for prime time. But he ain't awkward. He delivered one of his own babies once when the ambulance didn't get there on time. He was able to get married to one "hot" chick...I'll bet Morley is jealous. He took matters into his own hands when the levees failed in New Orleans, and earned the respect of one of the roughest old cobbs you'd ever meet...big old chink Harry Lee...who never met a Republican he didn't hate.

Now, y'all know I'm not a big old Jindal fan. But I'll bet he ain't as awkward as that cheap drunk pen guy...

Okay, I haven't looked at this yet...but I'll post it, then look at it...

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to watch the video at the office tomorrow because the farm connection sucks.

    Jindal isn't perfect but an 80% friend is not a 20% enemy, as Ronnie said.

    I never watch the Communist Broadcast Service. Funny thing is our satellite (Dish) has dropped the local affiliate so, even if I wanted to watch, I can't.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?