Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, our President, and much of the world is wringing it's hands over the problem with the Somali Pirates. Heck, this is easy! In fact, this is probably the easiest problem in the world to solve...

I know how to do it easy, cheap, and quick.

Step 1: President Obama, the Brits, the Frogs, the Jerrys, the Degos, the Chinks, the Japs, and the Norwegians (I don't know a slang for them) each assign 3 military men to each commercial ship that flies under their flag, and sails the Somali coast...to stand guard on 8 hour shifts through the duration of the voyage.

Step B: The ship owner will be billed for the salary of said three military men by their government (cheap...they don't make much).

Step 3: As ANY vessel approaches said commercial ship the military personnel on board are ordered to fire over the head of approaching vessel.

Step 4: If approaching vessel does not turn tail and run, military personnel on duty fire into the body of approaching vessel...not at human flesh.

Step D: If approaching vessel continues to approach, human flesh is fair game.

Conditions: All military personnel will be armed with this: (problem will be solved in 30 days...trust me)


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