Sunday, June 7, 2009


Some things that I've snagged while cruising the world wide computer.

The Boston Herald (I didn't know they were still in business) is reporting that France will award it's highest military honor, "The Legion of Honor," to a D-Day Vet that has lied about his service as a paratrooper for 65 years. Figures...Does he deserve the honor? Probably...but who cares? An award from France is like a day without oxygen.

Obama lies about Muslims, and their contributions to civilization. Frank J. Tipler, a professor of Mathematical Physics at Tulane (no intellectual lightweight for sure) takes Obama to task over his claims that Muslims have contributed anything to the sciences. It's an interesting read...highly recommended.

Well, I can't actually say that Obama is lying. Is it really a lie when you just read what somebody throws up on your teleprompter...having no earthly idea whether it is true or not? The moron couldn't find his hiney with the aid of a Proctologist.

In a related story, Two Dogs linked to an interesting rundown of ALL the Muslim Nobel Prize winners. It's interesting...they're running neck and neck with the Jews. Well, not exactly. But give 'em time. After they exterminate all the Jews, and seize Sweden &Norway, they'll have a better shot. Maybe one of their brainiacs will invent the wheel, or a lever, or something.

And, while we're on liars, and how peaceful the missionaries of Islam are, let's not forget the door-to-door witnessing one of them did in Little Rock on Monday. TD also linked to another post. Girl On The Right posted a video shot at a memorial gathering for slain Pvt. William Long at the site of his murder by the Muslim scum.

It was the shortest blog post I read all day. It was entitled "Islamic Whore." The post read, "Stone the bitch."

As the video unfolds, you come to find out that this woman (who unfortunately did not wear the full-face version of a burkha) is from New Orleans. You also come to find out that 911 was an "inside job." The whole thing is very enlightening. Evidently she was just passing through Arkansas, and just coincidentally stopped in to crash a memorial gathering made necessary by one of her fellow missionaries of the religion of know, kind of put the finishing touches on the anger and pain everyone was feeling. Muslims can be decent, and kind that way.


  1. Someone should have pushed her into that traffic.

  2. Staci, you will not believe this, but when I saw the video on Girl On The Right's site, I commented that I thought the Arkies did a pretty good job of controlling themselves...She was only a few inches from oncoming traffic.

    I reckon that Okie minds, and Louisiana minds walk on the same path when it comes to some junk.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?