Nobody will ever convince me that American Animals are not in it for the "long haul" with the rest of us! Throughout the history of our great nation, animals have played an important role in our quest to remain free, and spread liberty to others.
Here is you a "Gubmit Mule." This is a photo from WW1. But I do know a wonderful man (still living) from Gem Village, CO that signed up to fight WWII. SW Colorado was "mule country," and he knew all about working with mules. He and his fellow "country boys" did their dangdest with what they knew...and the rest is "HISTORY." 
Looks like we still got Mules in the Service.
Cavalry Horses...
Patriotic Black & Tans
Even Patriot Kitties...

And they tell me that this guy rode a horse or two in his day.
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