Tuesday, August 11, 2009

...'Til Death Do Us Part...

I found the news interesting that only 1% of marriages performed in Louisiana are "Covenant Marriages."

There are only three States with "covenant marriage" laws. A Covenant Marriage license is issued to couples that take a prescribed number of pre-marital counseling sessions before jumping the broom. They are no more "married" in the eyes of the law than couples that choose a standard marriage license. But it is much harder to obtain a divorce...sometimes taking up to two years from their initial separation...with mandatory "reconciliation counseling" sessions by qualified therapists/family counselors, etc.

When The Mrs. & I wed over 30 years ago, Louisiana did not have the Covenant Marriage statute. But, the Pastor of the church we attended required us to meet with him several times, required us to read a couple of books, and tried to talk me out of it while I was waiting to enter the church with him. He was a real hoot!

Did all that help? Dunno. Probably. I know that the support we had from friends, family, and our church really helped through the early days.

Regardless, it is surprising to me that only 1% choose the covenant marriage. It was pushed heavily by the churches...and in Louisiana, everybody is a Catholic (even though the Catholic Bishops didn't "rally" behind the legislation), a Baptist, or a Pentecostal...even if only nominally.

Does it help keep couples together?

I don't know. My baby brother and his second wife opted for the "covenant marriage" about 7 years ago. Their divorce will be final sometime next year...


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