Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pretty! And, Pretty Funny!

I think my Angel Trumpet is sick. Normally it blooms monthly from April, through November. It took until mid-October for it to finally fully bloom this year.

Plus, it is only about 5 feet tall. It normally reaches about 7 feet. But, it's pretty anyway, and I wanted to share the beauty with all of the visitors to Andy's Place.


Pretty Funny!


  1. Andy, you know that all parts of the Angel Trumpet is narcotic and poisonous. Be careful, Bud, even when cutting it. yikes.
    It is so beautiful though.

  2. Oh yes, I know Nancy. In fact, the City of New Orleans has banned Angel Trumpet leaf for personal use.

    Why do you think I have one????

  3. I'm envious. I grew up with those in South Africa but it's not hot enough here to grow. Yes, they are poisonous. Real name brugmansia.

  4. Oh yeah, Pat! I know they are poisonous. That's what I like about 'em.

    And, I know you gave up on heat and humidity many years don't try to fool me with false "envy."

    I know you'd rather look at the photos, and remember the hot, humid days in S. Africa...while chilling out in your cool, Oregon climate. each their own! It was 40 degrees this morning here...and I'm ready to load up the wagon, and move further south...

  5. Andy,
    I saw one the other day here in GA and didn't know what it was. Very pretty. Almost stopped and picked one, but glad I didn't since I didn't know that they're poisonous.
    It was 38 here this morning and made me real Oregon homesick. Love the people here in the South, it's just the heat, humidity, reptiles and wierd bugs I don't like!

  6. Andy and Paul, eat your hearts out. It's been 55F at night and 65F during the day here. It's not called a "mild" climate for nothing.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?