Monday, June 7, 2010

Just a heads-up to the State University of New York at Stony Brook...

Congratulations SUNY-SB!  Your massive computer network, and expensive connection to the worldwide computer is certainly being put to good use!

Okay, this is another one of those "tattle-tale" posts.  I just hate a "tattle-tale!"  Don't you?

(Ya' know, it's odd...I don't do very many of these, but every time I do, it seems that an institution of mo' higher learnin' is involved.  The last one involved some joker at USC, and the one before that was at Notre Dame.  Go figger!)

Because we've been overwhelmed at Andy's Place with The Gooble Searchers looking for Helen Thomas jokes today, I decided to take a closer look at some of The Sitemeter results.  And of course, we've got the standard, "I don't trust Chinese," "Hanna Giles images," and "Midget Wrestling" visitors.  Sigh.

And, we even have one that landed here trying to find out "Where to rent a pink cockatoo in Virginia Beach."  I!  Ain't!  Kidding!

 And once again, I am frustrated with The Gooble Search©. I can assure you that there is nothing even remotely like what this "Educational" Gooble Searcher was looking for here at Andy's Place. Again.

Okay, State University of New York at Stony Brook...Whoever was using a computer with IP address at 1:58 pm on June 6 was looking for this:

(Click it to look at it big.  But don't click it if you are under 18.  You will see the "search terms" circled.)

Now to be fair, it could well be a student in his/her own dorm room (that is paying his/her Daddy's hard earned money for internet service...or YOUR hard-earned tax dollars on a Pell grant) just trying to while away a Sunday afternoon and get some jollies.

Or, it could be a faculty member trying to access some good "educational information" to share with his/her students in some worthless cultural/art/tolerance/sex ed class.

Or, it could just be the college President working "overtime" on a Sunday afternoon.  Who knows?  Well...I'll bet the IT department knows.

Anyway, I figured y'all would appreciate the heads up, SUNY- SB!  Don't bother to thank me...

What kinda' takes the edge off of the whole deal is that he/she/it/them only stuck around for 8 seconds.  Call me a prude, but I really don't like those kind of folks hanging around here too long.  Just sayin'...


  1. I looked up the IP# and couldn't see if it was a student or a professor.

  2. Barry, I didn't think to look up the IP address. But, a little research puts that room at the ECC Building somewhere near the IT Dept...if my research is correct.



Don't cuss nobody out, okay?