Friday, January 11, 2008


After I listened to that England guy talking about Islam, I started thinking about how smart England people sound when they talk, and how stupid Rednecks sound. Now, don't get me wrong, I got some Redneck buddies that are just "Bait-Store Dumb," but some of em are real, real smart.

But you'd never know it by listening at them. It almost don't seem fair that a dumb England fellow can get by with folks thinking he's smart...on account of how he talks. That's life I guess.

I'll educate y'all a little. It's called "persections." That's when you "persect" something about somebody without looking deeper into the matter just because how they talk, and you let your persection drive your's not always a good idea (trust me, I know).

Just sort of a ramblin' thought. Oh...I got this long old story to tell y'all about why I hate the United Parcel Service, but I think I'll wait on it until Saturday when everybody has plenty of time to look at it.


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