I don't know if it got much national coverage, but the New Orleans City Council met last month to vote on tearing down some cruddy old rat-infested, crime-ridden "projects" that should have been torn down years ago. Them projects were damaged bad in Hurricane Katrina (or as I call it, God's moppin' up).
That cute little Chinese girl, Michelle Malkin had this on her blog.
The “Shut up, white boy!” woman is the “slum” dweller with a 60-inch TV
Mixed in with the rent-a-rioters who stormed the New Orleans City Council meeting over public housing were a few homegrown thugs who refuse to be weaned from the public teat without a finger-pointing, racial epithet-hurling fight.
Case in point: That angry lady in the BDS shirt shouting “I will not be treated like a slave!” and “Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!” at a citizen attending the council hearing. Watch closely and note that there is a child behind her being subjected to her diatribe against the man. She’s your tax dollars at work:
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Nice propaganda job by the photo caption writer, who whitewashed the angry racist rant. They were just, you know, “talking to” a man…at the top of their lungs:

So, does she look familiar? This Sharon Jasper is the same Sharon Jasper profiled in the New Orleans Times-Picayune sulking in her government-subsidized apartment with hardwood floors and HUGEtastic flat-screen television and complaining that it’s a “slum:”
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