Not neither of them...ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, y'all ain't gonna believe this, but I have been "DISCOVERED."
I can barely believe it myself, but my buddy Harmon that works for the RP (that's RedNeck Press if you don't know) called me Sunday afternoon from the hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. He had an unfortunate incident with a beaver and a chain saw, and can't get out to Phoenix, Arizona to cover the Super Bowl for the RP.
So, Harmon recommended me to his boss-man to go on out to Phoenix and cover the Super Bowl for the RedNeck Press! Can you believe that????????
So, Harmon's boss-man called me a few minutes later for a visit. He told me that he had seen some of my "groundbreaking work" on the brewing steroid pill scandal in Pro Football, and was "impressed". I've got to humbly admit that I'm just about the only one talking about it. NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox Sports, ESPN, ESPN II, ESPN Classic, and all those other ESPNs aren't digging into it and putting the truth out.
So I made a deal with Harmon's boss-man, and he told me that he would have an airplane ticket waiting for me at Shreveport Airport on Monday to fly off to Phoenix, Arizona.
I was as excited as a Vice President on a bird hunt. But after my last experience with folks buying public transportation tickets for me, I pinned him down real good. I made sure that this was not a "Standby Ticket," and that I would have ground transportation, a motel, and "Press" credentials once I got there.
He said that it will all be taken care of. I could hear real authority in this old boys' voice. I believe everything is going to go as smooth as pudding.
So, this week, it's gonna be all football all the time on the computer (unless some big RedNeck news breaks)! I am so excited I don't know if I can sleep tonight at all. Dangit...I wish there was a Barnaby Jones rerun on...that always puts me out like a light.
Well, y"all wish me luck and pray for me...oooohhhh, I can't barely stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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