He owns a garage, and auto parts place. He sent me a computer letter that just made me laugh and laugh...here it is:
Hey Andy,
This is Arvin. I gotta tell you a story. I was in the garage working on a Toyota, and was a little shorthanded so nobody was over in the parts place. So I put a note on the door telling folks to just come over next door to the shop.
Well, I've got my head down in that Toyota, and I hear somebody walk in. I turn around and there is this gorgeous, blonde-haired young gal. She was tall too...I mean her legs went all the way down to the ground! So I ask her if I can help her, and she says, "Yes, I need to buy a 710 for my car." I was a little puzzled, so I asked "A 710? I don't think I've ever heard of a '710' for a car."
So she says, "Well, my car has always had a 710 on it, and now it's missing." So I studied on it awhile, and couldn't figure what this gorgeous, tall, blonde-haired gal was talking about. So I had an idea and asked her, "Where does the 710 go?" She said, "It goes under the big lift-up front of my car." So I asked her to come over to this Toyota that I was working on and see if it has a 710 in it.
That gal walked right up to that Toyota, looked under the hood, and pointed out the 710. Then she said, "There...that's a 710...do you have one?"
Turns out that I did have a "710" in stock for her model. I have attached a picture to this computer letter.
Hope y'all are good. Tell the Mrs. "hey" for me.
Love, Arvin

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