Obama is definitely in the driver's seat...but not the way Hillary dreams it would be.

Well, the best laid plans of mice and my man Hillary have gone unglued.
Yesterday, Barack Obama cleaned Hillary's clock in the Virginia, Maryland, and DC Democrat Primaries. According to exit poll data, Obama whipped my man Hillary in every category. He mopped up with blacks, whites, Hispanics, men, and women. That's what you call a butt-whipping in anybodys' book.
Add that to the fact that it gives Barack 8 straight Primary wins, and well...things ain't looking too good for my man Hillary. Y'all know I have endorsed Hillary to be President of the Democrats, seeing as I think she'll be easier to prevent from being the President of all of us than Obama will.
That Obama guy can talk. I listened to him make a speech down in New Orleans last week, and I'll tell you he can deliver a load of "nothing" as well as anybody I have ever heard. I would call it a load of horse manure, but it's not even that. It's just "nothing."
As I was listening to him, I started thinking about the great political communicators of my lifetime. I'd say that JFK, Reagan, Martin Luther King, Tony Blair from Britain, and John Howard from Australia are the best at it I've witnessed. Obama can speak as well as any of these guys...might be sharper than any of them, though still uninformed about alot of things. But there's a big difference. The difference is that there really is "no there there." These guys all had specific substance and doable objectives that they used their skills to convince the listeners of.
That man talked for at least half an hour without touching on anything that was either substantive, or doable. My man Hillary can't talk that good.
Ain't that a kick in the teeth? Obama's delivering a "load of nothing," and it's got Hillary knee-deep in a "load of manure."
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