Sunday, March 30, 2008


Well, the Mrs. told me that she got tired of seeing pictures of my man Hillary on the blog. She usually looks at it while drinking coffee early in the morning, and it's hard on her stomach. Y'all might have noticed that I have been pretty "light" on Hillary photos.

So I thought I'd swap over to Bubba. He's real (let me get my word book...) photogenic.

Bubba responds to Obama supporters..."hu hu...I'm with y'all!"

"I did not have sex with that woman but once!"

"How would you like to 'intern' with the Hillary '08 campaign?"

Time for Breakfast!!!!

"As God is my witness, I never had sex with Martha! hu hu!"

"Pilin' on on Bill Richardson...15 delegates...still 4th down!"

Pointing at Helen Thomas, "I never had sex with that woman, and I never told anybody to lie about it!"

"Shoot, you're pretty good for a mulatto. Hand me that sax and I'll show you how a real negro does it!"


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