Even though this ruling was made last Fall, it came to light because of one tough, smart young man, and his quest to change a wrong situation. What is even more amazing to me about this idiot judge is that in hearing the case, she came right out and indicated that her ruling was being made because of her own personal bias. Now, there's a judge you can count on, huh?
Anti-war judge rejects foster teen's bid to join military
Los Angeles Times article here. Do yourself a favor and read the whole article. It might make your stomach turn, but it's (let me get my word book...) instructive of the liberal mind.
Just a few quotes:
SIMI VALLEY - Shawn Sage long dreamed of joining the military, and watching "Full Metal Jacket" last year really sold him on becoming a Marine.
But last fall, a Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner dashed the foster teen's hopes of early enlistment for Marine sniper duty, plus a potential $10,000 signing bonus.
In denying the Royal High School student delayed entry into the Marine Corps, Children's Court Commissioner Marilyn Mackel reportedly told Sage and a recruiter that she didn't approve of the Iraq war, didn't trust recruiters and didn't support the military.
"The judge said she didn't support the Iraq war for any reason why we're over there," said Marine recruiter Sgt. Guillermo Medrano of the Simi Valley USMC recruiting office.
"She just said all recruiters were the same - that they `all tap dance and tell me what I want to hear.' She said she didn't want him to fight in it."
This boy decided to fight back...that's what we need in a Marine!:After Sage submitted a winning entry to the lawmaker's Write a Bill Challenge, Assemblyman Cameron Smyth introduced legislation last month that would allow foster teens to enlist in the service without express permission from a judge.
Instead, AB2238 would allow foster children 17 or older to sign up with the consent of a foster parent or social worker.
"Here is one impressive young man who somehow made it through the challenge of the foster system, had a clear sense of a career path and was denied that opportunity by a judge basically because of her personal bias," said Smyth, R-Santa Clarita, who will honor Sage today at a Royal High assembly.
"I find that to be a horrific abuse of her power."
This kid is made of good stuff:
Sage, who lives in Simi Valley but is originally from Florida, was abandoned by both parents when he was 2 and now lives in a foster home with his brother.
He had wanted to join the military ever since he'd met a service rep at school at age 7 - first the Air Force, then the Navy, finally the Marines.
His foster parents, as well as his social worker, supported his decision to enlist early. Despite being denied, he still shows up for USMC physical training.
"Did they ever kick my butt," he said proudly. "They still do."
When he graduates and turns 18 in June, it'll be all Semper Fi, bonus or no signing bonus, whether he's allowed early deployment or not.
As winner of Smyth's "there oughta be a law" contest, he will be flown to Sacramento to testify before the Assembly.
"I didn't do it for the signing bonus, because I'm a motivated kid," he said. "I am hoping to join the military before I graduate. I want to serve my country."
This is getting ridiculous! I think maybe even the nut jobs in California might get enough of this pretty soon. I sure hope so. Stupid, idiot judge...shame on her!
Hey, what if the next President decides to go over and clean up that mess in Darfur? The libs all want us in that mess! We're gonna need Marines to do that job. Stupid, idiot judge...shame on her.
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