Friday, April 18, 2008


Hey y'all!

Well, I had told y'all that my third son has enlisted in the US Navy, and he is now training to become a SEAL. He's doing well...faithfully running, and getting "in the swim" of things between school and work.

But there's a hitch. His vision is so poor that he won't qualify...unless PRK surgery can be done. Because of his age (18) it is possible that he won't qualify. If his eyesight hasn't matured to the point that he can have the surgery...well...that dream is nixed (for now).

He has an evaluation on May 9. Y'all pray. I'm not sure whether I'm praying for it, or against it...but I'm praying! I'm just joking. I want him to do this if he wants to.

I'll let y'all know what happens.


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