Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, I don't know if this cajun fellow was just dumb-lucky, living right, or The Good Lord has something else for him to do, or all three.

Last Saturday, Ronald Richard (pronounced ree-shard in cajun country) was mowing his's hard to explain it. Just look at the article from The New Orleans Times-Picayune.

Here's a preview:

"Something hit me in the chest really hard, " said Richard, who initially thought he had been struck by a rock kicked up by the motor.

But when he took off his sweater and opened the nylon case for his Motorola Razr phone, a .45-caliber bullet fell out.

The stray bullet, probably fired from the woods near his 5-acre property on North Lee Road near Covington, shattered Richard's cell phone but left him with little more than a bad bruise.

Heck, I might go get me one of those cellular telephones. I've always heard they're good to have for personal safety.


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