Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Okay, I was just about to settle in to watch a football game when I came across this article from the Abbeville, LA newspaper. Trust me, this is a real newspaper, and it is a real editorial. It's not something from The Onion, or a parody.

This is an editorial advising President Bush to pardon Edwin Edwards from his last 4 plus years in Federal Prison.

My conclusion: Coonasses are just plain stupid. I'm not going to put the whole ignorant editorial here, but I will show you a few excerpts to prove my point that Coonasses are just plain stupid.

Paragraph 2 from the editorial: (please note that this is transcribed through copy and paste...I didn't do anything to make this seem more stupid than it already is) Every reasonable andcompassionate person in the state believes Edwards has been punished enough. At age 81, a ten-year sentence is inhumane, unconsciousable and tantamount to a death sentence. Keeping him in prison serves no useful purpose; absolutely none.

Note the new addition to the dictionary "unconsciousable." That is coonass for "I'm so retarded I don't know what I'm writing."

The editorial continues: "More importantly, his good name and reputation have been tarnished for posterity.
There are two myths that we need to address. First, is the widespread belief, fostered by the government, that Edwards made his money in politics.
This is absolutely false."

I repeat, Coonasses are just plain stupid.

Here's a good one: "Those who know him know he never extorted anyone in his life.
The second myth is that government in Louisiana is corrupt and that all elected officials are crooks."

I repeat, Coonasses are just plain stupid.

It gets better: " He is the only man in the long history of the state to have been elected four times to the office of governor. Common sense dictates that he must have done something right. Voters in this state are not stupid."

I would repeat, but this idiot thinks that coonasses are not stupid, so there's no helping 'em.

Here is the last quote from the whole ignorant editorial that I find funny: "And if he is such a bad person, why have seven federal judges visited him in prison? Do federal judges make it a practice to visit people in prison?"

Yes, you idiot...especially if they're trying to keep him shut up. You didn't mention that 5 of the 7 federal judges that visit him are in his cell block.

Coonasses are just plain stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Oddly, I missed the party of that ex-gov. Can you enlighten me to which political party this Edwards belongs? I just have no clue and I am really curious.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?