Sunday, December 7, 2008


Okay, so I had to run around the corner to the convenience store this morning. I have gotten to know the guy that owns the place (this ain't Leroy from out on the highway heading out of town, this is Pat). We always visit, and he's a nice guy...about my age.

I could tell he was out of sorts for some reason, and I asked him, "Pat, is everything okay?" He said, "No Andy, I just got word that my Grandma died this morning." I felt bad for him and told him that I did. I remember how I felt when my grandparents passed away.

Then in my attempt to be compassionate I decided to inquire about his Grandma. I thought about asking him if she had been sick for a long time, or how she died. But I decided to ask him how old she was. Instead, I asked him "Was she old?"

I think Pat knew that I had screwed up. He kinda smiled and said, "Naw Andy, she was just 33...cut down in the prime of her life...of course she was old...she was my Grandma dangit!" Then he got a dookie-eating grin on his face and said, "Here's Your Sign."

I apologized for acting so ignorant. But he knew my old stupid heart was in the right place and thanked me for my concern.

I just seem to spread joy and comfort everywhere I go these days...


  1. Wow, the shocker was that he grandma was still alive until this morning. However, my ma's ma is still alive AND driving. I shudder when I hear that she is coming from Louisville to Jackson and I make dang sure that I am nowhere near where her car is.

  2. Yea TD...I know what you're saying. First of all, congratulations for still having your Grandma. I miss both of mine.

    My Daddy is 72, and in good shape (really better than me), but it's an adventure when you ride with him in his truck. He has an office next door to mine, and drives into town about 20 miles every weekday. Every time I hear sirens the first thought in my mind is "Oh NO!!! Daddy!!!"

    I really did feel stupid. But it wasn't the first time, and sadly, probably won't be the last.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?