I went to J.C. Penney's the other day to exchange the jeans that Momma had bought me for Christmas. They were 30" waist jeans that had shrunk up too (even before being washed).
It was humiliating, but I exchanged them for 32's which fit just fine. So now I have a real condurum. I will educate y'all...a "condurum" is when you really don't know what to think about something...you kinda think one way for a while, then another way, and on and on...and you really don't know for sure the best way to proceed.
My condurum is that I don't feel fat. I don't feel any less healthy. But my clothes continue to tighten up on me. When I saw this 'toon, I felt convicted... For all the years since I lost all that weight (80 pounds), I have had a weight scale in the bathroom. I would religiously check myself every morning for any increase in poundage.
About 4 months ago I took the scale out of the bathroom. I told the Mrs. that it was too much trouble for her to have to mop around and all. I stuck it behind a door. When I saw this 'toon, I asked myself, "Is it hiding from you...or are you hiding from it?"

BTW: I don't think that's "Norman Rockwell" that did that one...
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