Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Okay, all 9 people that visit this blog "need to know" what three of 'em are doing on Inauguration Day.

Two Dogs has a very thoughtful piece.

CosmicConservative is celebrating! Actually he is wishing President Obama well, and pointing out the childishness of the left. THEY'RE BACK... folks! The eight years of decency, decorum, civility, and humility that "W" brought to the White House after the Clinton years (I forgot to mention that stuff in my earlier post about what he did good and bad) are likely over...

Born Again Redneck Bourgeois is writing his own Inaugural Address, and it seems like others are chiming in.

All I can say is "Thank goodness Bush didn't..." Well, a post will soon follow...


  1. All I can say is I am glad this day is over. We'll see tomorrow if the absolute terror in the market continues. Today was NOT encouraging.

    Thanks for the link, yo.

  2. I'm not happy that Obama is such a leftist but I am proud of America for electing a black president.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?