Thursday, January 29, 2009


Last night's 10 o'clock news weather forecast for Shreveport: "Clear and cold tonight, highs in the mid-50's tomorrow."

Weather report at 4:30 this morning when I woke up: "Cold, with fog, burning off by noon."

So, when day broke, this is what I found... It's okay. If it's going to be miserably cold, it may as well be miserably cold with fog. (This is what "fog" looks like in Northwest Louisiana today...thanks to Al Gore's ever warming planet).

Oh...did you know that "fog" can shut down Interstate 20, and screw up everybody's morning?

There are two (at least two, but just two I'm focusing on here) groups of people that are clueless. Meteorologists...and Al Gore.

Dangit, my Japanese Magnolia had started to bloom. It is the most glorious sight you'll ever see. People stop driving down the street just to look at it when it's in full bloom. I'll put some old pictures of it up on the computer for y'all to see. It looks like our ever-warming planet has ruined it this year.


  1. Dang, it looks COLD in East Tejas. Are us people in God's Country supposed to get some of that? I am currently wearing short paints. 'Course I do have chill bumps.

  2. TD: I've got no idea whether you folks in God's Country are supposed to get this mess.

    Ask your friendly local Meteorologist...then figure just the opposite.

    Shorts? I hate you. I hope your chill bumps work their way up y...never ain't Christian.

  3. HA! The sun's color is about 2700K today. Figure that out, boy.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?