In 1976, I was too young to vote. I wished with all my heart that I could vote for Gerald (have you driven a) Ford (lately), and against Jimmuh Cahtuh. In 1980, it was a whole different story! I was well armed with my 21 years, and my voter registration card. I was chomping at the bit to vote for Ronny RayGun.
In fact, my eldest son was due to be born in September, 1980, two months before Election Day. As The Mrs. and I pondered names for our little bun in the oven, I told her that if it was a boy, I wanted to name him Ronald Reagan Reeves. She is a smart gal, and thought about it...and told me "no way." "Why?" I asked her. She said, "What if he doesn't win the election? How will you explain to your son one day that you named him after a B movie actor that played with Bonzo on the big screen?"
Then she said that she didn't like the rhythm of the name...R, R, R... So, since she was doing the heavy lifting as The Ovenmaster, I dropped it. We settled on naming our first son after his two grandfathers. It was a good compromise...I guess. (I still wish I had put my foot down...I knew Ronny was gonna win).
A couple of days ago, I linked to an article that reported that some 8 Brazillian politicians have already changed their name to "Barack Obama." There is something to this...

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