Sunday, March 15, 2009


Even homos and young admirers of Obama in Oregon "can't touch that!" (Video included) Jeepers, what a nation of pansies we live in. Don't even think about messing with BarackO'...even if you like him.

A great explanation of Keynesian Economics. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!

LSU 'upsot' by Mississippi State in SEC Roundball Tourney. Crud! Well, we're going to the big dance anyhow due to winning the regular season SEC title. But Crud!

Meanolmeany linked to this photo a couple of days ago. It's entitled Port-a-Prompter. Walt saw it and said, "He can't leave home without it." Ha Ha!

What was funny though was one of the comments. This chick commentor, who supported Howard Dean in '04 (obvious from her screen name), and is an Obama fan, commented: "Hey, I think that picture was Photoshopped." What color you reckon her hair is?

And finally, the peaceful religion of Islam has got it's pansy boys, too. They only threatened this Christian preacher, ripped his cross off, beat him up, and stole his computer and Bible. Wusses! A self-respecting Muslim woulda done that job up right...with a saber...on video. Wusses!


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