Saturday, April 11, 2009


Done! This plumbing project is FINISHED!

My son, myself, his wonderful landlord, and a neighbor finally got the bathtub draining. Hallelujah.

I started at about 7 this morning digging out. Son and landlord joined in about 9. Many trials, complete with errors, lead us to the "final solution."

Everything is almost like new under that house...should last until we are all dead and gone.

Well, I say the plumbing is all done...but not completely. We have a 3 foot deep tunnel, 3 feet wide, and 9 feet long (I'll swear, Colonel Hogan would be proud of us!) yet to fill back up with the mountain of dirt extracted from it by son and me (mostly son). It is now officially the highest point in Louisiana.

But ya' can wait! That tunnel is gonna be there waiting for us to be filled when we revive and rejuvenate. We'll shovel at it a little at a time.

Tomorrow is a day for rest and celebration. I will celebrate the resurrection of my King. Jesus. Actually I do every my own John Walton way.

We will go to Momma and Daddy's house for lunch. My brothers and sister will be there with their children and grandchildren. There will be little bitty guys hunting eggs for the first time, bigger chilluns that are now experienced at it, and my youngest son who told us that he's "too old to hunt eggs." He wants to hide them for the little kids this year. Yep...he's too old to hunt eggs.

The clock keeps turning. This will be the first Easter in 27 years that I don't have an "egg hunter" to stroll along with, and watch the happy look when they finally find that bright pink egg sitting on top of a patch of clover. They're all "egg hiders" now.

Man, that clock sure did spin fast...

Y'all have a blessed Easter Sunday. I love you all. I mean it.

1 comment:

Don't cuss nobody out, okay?