Thursday, June 25, 2009

"BLOCKBUSTER" post coming up...

I'm working on one whale of a post about anonomousness (is that a word?)...uh, anonymity on the world wide computer. Sort of a "to be, or not to be" kinda deal...except not really.

I'm just posting this for I don't forget to work on it. Don't bother to thank me.


  1. Funny Pat! "Anonymice"...consider it stolen.

    The post is not going to be about commenting anonymously. It is going to be about a couple of conundrums. "Are you unafraid to reveal your true identity if you maintain a blog?"

    "Would it harm you financially, or endanger those you care for if you did"...etc.

    I am giving you and Two Dogs credit for my current train of thought...and I've been studying on it real hard.

    Two Dogs wrote a post pondering whether to "go public" with his identity. And you are one of the few I've run across that is a good straw to chew on.

    I have revealed enough (subtly) about myself...where I relatives, etc. that if someone wanted to find me they certainly could.

    But then, only 7 people read my blog unless I mention Chimpanzees, Pitbulls, or redneck chicks...

  2. Did you hear the one about the redneck chick who looks like a pit bull and likes to sleep with a platonic, Michael Jackson sort of way, of course...

  3. Dadman: NYUK! Consider it stolen. Look for another upcoming "BLOCKBUSTER" post...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?