1) There is a troubling story out of Paris, Texas this morning. It seems that an 18-year-old retarded boy has been sentenced to 100 YEARS IN PRISON on molestation charges. I'm sure that there is something going on here that I do not understand.
Perhaps the Judge is trying to make a point that Texas does not have good options for sentencing retarded folks. He can revisit this, I'm sure.
Perhaps Rick Perry will commute his sentence, and some organization step up to provide a place for this boy that will keep him from harming others, or himself. Dunno... But it is a troubling story in many ways.
2) Had our first rain since the new porch awning was installed. The verdict: No runs, no drips, no errors. Gutter drained the desired direction. Andy is happy.
3) David Letterman stopped short of an apology to Sarah Palin for cracking wise about her and her daughter. Wouldn't you just love to see Sarah and Dave go head-up? Personally, I don't think this is nearly as big a deal as some are making it. I might feel differently if he had ragged on one of my kids...but then I'm not in the national spotlight, and definitely not fair game.
Am I the only human in the world that suspects that this is ALL intentional? Think about it. For like 130 years, Leno has been cleaning Letterman's clock. All of a sudden, there is no Jay...only a Conan, who from all reviews I've read really sucks.
What better way to entice the late-night TV watching crowd (of which I AM NOT a member) than to purposely stir the dookie? I'm just thinking.
Or, it could just be that Letterman is an insufferable piece of what the fly left on the pump handle. Yeah, that's probably it.
And finally, the bumper sticker of the week. Courtesy of Bart. Y'all have a good one.
I love every one of you. I mean it.

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