Friday, July 31, 2009

"Best Husband in the world" week wraps up...

Well, today we unveil the "Best Husband in the world!"

I know that this has been a wildly popular feature. My computer letter box has been just flooded with notes of thanks! But all good things must come to an end.

All the entries were impressive, but the winner of the gold medal is...


The Polocks!

Daiya is ONE LUCKY WOMAN to have a husband like Cerek.

In previous comments, Waltbasket noted that the Irish believe so deeply in sexual equality that men and women carry their own supply of beer...none of that chivalrous Southern US junk.

It seems that Poland shares that same societal liberation. Yet, you can see that Cerek is rushing ahead to unlock the van so that Daiya won't get as wet loading up her weekly supply. Now, that might seem like a lot of beer for one small Polish woman to drink in a week. But with a fabulous husband like Cerek...maybe not...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I really like that he's already drinking one of the cold ones. Definitely #1.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?