Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Best Husband in the world" week...Thursday edition.

I do not know much about Greece. But I think they speak Greek...the modern kind of Greek, not the kind of Greek that The New Testament was written in. It is called Demo-somethingoranother.

But the Greeks managed to pull off a silver medal in the "Best Husband in the world" competition with this entry.

It seems that Ghiorghos, and Constantina almost snagged the top spot...and it was a razor-thin margin to be sure. When I saw this photo, I wasn't quite sure what was going on. My first thought was that Constantina is hauling some kind of crop...maybe something like sugar cane.

But I don't believe that is it. I believe that her wonderful husband Ghirghos is simply ignoring her...trying to convince her of the folly of building their new house out of sticks. He obviously knows that the Big Bad Wolf will easily blow it down, and eat his precious wife alive.

I'm sure that he is on his way to the brickyard to arrange for suitable materials. And he is (I'm sure) on the lookout for the Big Bad Wolf, ready to poke him in the eye with the business end of a burning Karelia!

Congratulations to the Greeks! It's a shame that the home of the Ancient Olympic Games couldn't bring home the gold. But that's the breaks.


  1. Ahhhh.....

    This brings back such sweet memories of my youth.

    My mother used to make me go out and cut my own switches too! And, oh did the burn on your backside!

  2. I think she's carrying the sticks instead of going to the gym. Yeah, that's it.

  3. He's carrying the smokes -- that's the real cash crop there.

  4. Walt, Staci, and Mayor...

    HA! HA! and HA! Obviously, three of the most astute users of the world wide computer!

    Oh man, do I ever remember Momma sending me to cut my own quince switch...



Don't cuss nobody out, okay?