Sunday, July 12, 2009


What are the chances?

a) One in a million

b) One in a trillion

c) Zero in hades

Polish woman's lawsuit explains why there are so many Polock jokes.


  1. If the swimming pool was actually in the typical Greek cross configuration, as opposed to the Latin cross configuration, the actual chance is 1 in 7. It is math. And crosses.

  2. Well, there ya' go! Leave it to a Arkietek to 'splain.

    I may have some chilluns, and grandchilluns I know nothing about. I'm pretty sure I have swum in a Greek cross-configured pool before.

    Thank God I can't get pregnant. Heh! The Mrs. was in them pools with me...some of our younguns might not belong to me. Maybe I can get a refund.

  3. So, as I understand all of this, she is basically claiming that the pool is the father?

    A case of immaculate poolception!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?