Friday, September 18, 2009

ACORN News from The Bayou State...

ACORN, headquartered in New Orleans (and y'all know I just love New Orleans, nyuk) has been subpoenad by Louisiana Attorney General, Buddy Caldwell. The subpoena was addressed to ACORN's founder and former director Wade Rathke and it demanded bank cards, bank statements and documents. Investigators have also asked ACORN to identify all of its associated companies.

And, yesterday Governor Bobby Jindal banned any State agency from entering into contracts with ACORN. At present, the State of Louisiana does not have any contracts with ACORN.

Keep the pressure on with your legislators, your State, and local officials. These people have zero business obtaining ANY taxpayer dollars.

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely hope that Oklahoma will follow suit. Of course, our guvnah is a Dem-wit, who cast his "super delegate" or whatever vote for Obama.

    We shall see.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?