Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Joe The Congressman" was WRONG!

Okay, since all forty bazillion bloggers, all the TV networks, the Cable Guys, and talk radio hosts have weighed in on this...I figure I should put in my .00000000000002 cents on Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) and his outcry during BozObama's "major speech" last night.

Let me start by saying that I totally understand Joe The Congressman's frustration. As much as I disagreed with Dubya about stuff, I find what BozO is doing to be even more harmful to my America. (And that's saying something!) When "W" acted, you at least knew that he understood "why" he was doing it. Even if I did not agree with it, I gave grace to him because I found him to be a man of conviction...however misguided those convictions struck me.

With BozO it's a different story. BarackO Hussein is an actor in a play. He is a face, a voice, and a vehicle for others that are just telling him what to do...what to say...where to stand...when to shut up, and when to give a soliloquy. (As the great Andy Griffith would define soliloquy..."that's when you look way off in the distance and talk at yourself). He's kinda like Brad Pitt, or Susan Sarandon, or her commie boyfriend whateverhisnameis (I think it's something like John Roberts, or Tim Robinson, or Julia Roberts...but don't quote me)...they just do as they are told, and pick up a paycheck...kinda like what BozO is doing.

When Joe The Congressman jumped up and cried out, "YOU LIE!," he was wrong.

There is a big difference in "lying," and just being "flat out wrong!"

Let me give you a frinstance. Let's say that my Grandma (I don't have a Grandma alive any longer, so this is just a frinstance) that lives in a nursing home invites me to come next Sunday morning and give the "Devotional" at her nursing home. Being my Grandma, I can't tell her "NO!" So, I say "Sure, I'll be there!" So, with no knowledge of what to say, I call up a buddy of mine that knows the Bible really good. I ask him, "Hey man, can you give me a really good quote from the Bible to use when I talk on Sunday to the old folks at my Grandma's nursing home?"

He replies, "Sure Andy! One of my favorite quotes is from Hezekiah 2:14. It says, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." To which I would reply, "Hey, thanks man! I'm gonna use that one!"

So, when I stand before all the old folks giving them their "Devotional," I mention that in Hezekiah 2:14 we learn that "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." Am I "lying" to the old folks? NO! NO!...A THOUSAND TIMES NO I SAY!!! I am not "lying," I am just WRONG!

A lie is a statement made intentionally to deceive the hearer.

What I would be in this frinstance is "wrong." The truth is that I was just "wrong." And I would be "wrong" because I did not take the time to consult the Holy Bible myself, nor verify that what my (ex) friend told me was correct.

BozO is in that same spot. I would bet you everything in my wife's purse that Hussein has not spent one minute even reading, or considering the House plan for health care reform, or those proposed in the Senate!

I have changed my opinion of our President. Until recently I thought that he was a conniving rascal, with grand plans to destroy and then rebuild my country in his own image. I now believe that this guy don't know "come" from "sic 'em!"

He has no idea what he is going to say before he says it. He is a face, a voice, and an actor. I'd go so far as to say that he is a puppet. Somebody is pulling his strings, and he just reads what the teleprompter tells him to. So, he's not "lying." He's just "wrong."

So, Joe The Congressman was WRONG!

Of course he is "right" about BozO's statement that illegal immigrants will not be covered by any plan currently under consideration. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It is quite possible that the ONLY person in the House Chamber that didn't know Obama was wrong was BozO himself! So, he wasn't "lying." He's just stupid, and inept...

And on a more serious note, I really do think that Joe the Congressman did step over the line by shouting at the President while he was addressing a joint session of the Congress and Senate. With elections come consequences. If you are a member of a lame political party like the Republicans that nominated a guy to run for President that can't find his rear with a mirror, and is lead by morons that put you so deep in the minority that you can barely find sunset...

...well, you need to take your medicine...and do your best to change your own party so this won't become a way of life.


  1. By the way, you can make a horse drink. Garden hose, duct tape. You can't make him like it, though.

  2. Hmmmmmm....

    Let me look at this one.

    You say Obama is an actor. Basically a puppet, then, for someone or some organization, yes?

    If that be the case, that he is an actor/puppet, then one presumes that deep down he knows that to be the way things are.

    If he knows that to be the case, then he is not wrong, he is lying, for he knows that he is giving voice to things that he knows not about.

    If he doesn't know that to be the case, then we are in even bigger trouble!

  3. "As the great Andy Griffith would define soliloquy..."that's when you look way off in the distance and talk at yourself..."

    Except Obamugabe talks to his teleprompter.

  4. Actually...I agree that Congressman Wilson acted inappropriately.

    I disagree that what he said was wrong.

    Barry, I believe, is lying, and knowingly so. His condescending arrogance makes it "okay" for him to do, because he believes he knows better, and he has to sell it to just enough "useful idiots" to make it so. Then he can jam it down our throats.

    Barry lies. Frequently. Documentable lies.

    ON this, Congressman Wilson was right.

  5. I think he should've thrown a shoe.

  6. Andy-Think about this-is it not fair game to answer an accusation of dishonesty in kind? Obama said of people saying that the Healthcare plan would cover illegals that what they were pointing out is "false".

    Barry started it.

  7. Nancy, Nyuk! Andrew, good to hear from you Mr. Silence. I know you're busy.

    Of course Barry started it. What I was trying to say (obviously not very clearly) is that I don't think BozO has any idea whether he's telling a whopper or not.

    Don't get me wrong. I think he is well acquainted with lying and has no qualms about it. But I believe that in this care reform...he's as clueless as can be. He's just reading junk on a screen.

    And I still think that there is a better forum for calling BozO a liar. Just my humble opinion.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?