Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Republican Response...

President Obama will address a joint session of the US House of Representatives & Senate tonight in an attempt to "sell" his vision of health care reform. I'm glad he's doing that, because I don't think I've heard him say much about this issue, and I REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT HE THINKS ABOUT IT FOR THE 97 MILLIONTH TIME!!!


When he has finished with his sales pitch (which is wearing more and more thin in the ears of the American public), the Republicans will send to the plate someone to "respond." That someone will be US Representative, Dr. Charles Boustany (R-LA).

Boustany is a heckuvaguy! He is a native of Lafayette, LA, and practiced as a heart surgeon. He is a thoughtful man...highly intelligent...experienced...and an LSU Tiger fan! He is one of three Medical Doctors that represent Louisiana citizens in the US House of Representatives. My own Congressman is Dr. John Fleming...also a heckuvaguy!

Boustany is not known by many outside of Louisiana, and outside of Acadiana most especially. But he is extremely popular (winning over 70% of the vote in his last re-election bid), and widely known as a "rock-ribbed" conservative. I am sure that he will do a fine job.

I heard Dr. Boustany on local radio today saying that "it's always difficult speaking behind Obama. He is an impressive orator...yada yada yada yada..." Boustany is not likely to have the "flash & panache" in his response that BozObama's teleprompter will exude. But he is a "Steady Eddie." Boustany is the kind of guy we really need at the helm right now in our nation.

Truthfully, I never liked the idea of an opposing party "response." I vaguely remember it starting in the 80's...but I could be wrong. When the President wants to take his case to the people (regardless of his party), we should remember that HE IS THE PRESIDENT. He was elected to his office, and with that office comes a "Bully Pulpit."

But things are as they are! I doubt that Dr. Boustany will say anything "eye-opening," or that BozO will either. Oh, a few minds may be changed...a few dolts that don't know up from down might switch sides...but I believe that this one is in the can. Everybody in the Legislative branch of gubmit ALREADY knows how they are going to vote.

As for me, I will be watching Law & Order reruns, or "Flip This House," or my VHS tape of "No Time For Sergeants." But y'all enjoy!!!


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