The Shreveport Times is reporting the whole domestic squabble, that ended with the female involved in said squabble in the slammer. Now, to be honest, I'm not sure if this is a photo of the guy, or the chick. You'll have to work that one out on your own.

Bossier sheriff’s deputies say a bite on a man’s cheek and a lie about the act were what sent a Princeton woman to the Bossier Maximum Security Facility late Tuesday.
Deputies say Elizabeth Marie Mull, 28, of the 200 block of Princeton Road, bit her common-law husband on the cheek after a dispute. He called the sheriff’s office but when deputies got there, he changed his story, saying the injury was self-inflicted, a release from the sheriff’s office stated.
Mull was questioned about the incident and admitted to the crime, the release added.
But, deputies said, Mull then changed her story and said that she didn’t do anything to her common-law husband, against whom she has a protective order.
Mull was arrested and booked into Bossier Max on a charge of domestic abuse battery, with her bond pending.
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Don't cuss nobody out, okay?