I am fairly certain that we, as a nation, are certifiably insane! What is our US gubmit deficit? 9 trillion, 11 trillion? Let's just go ahead and call it FORTY MILLION BAZILLION GROZILLION!
Yet, today I hear on our local news that Louisiana has received a Federal grant of $2.5 million green American dollars to advertise the fact that tens of thousands of Louisiana children that are eligible for FREE health care through the LaCHIP program have not yet signed up to receive health care. For FREE!
The grant of $2.5 million will allow the State to advertise on radio, TV, newspapers, etc. the fact that FREE health care is available for younguns...because sadly...tens of thousands of y'all that qualify haven't yet latched on to the government teet!
Seriously, is there one sane human in the cosmos that does not yet realize that EVERYONE in the "gimme gimme" crowd ALREADY knows about LaCHIP? I mean, these leeches are already on the "Louisiana Purchase Plan" (that's what we now call food stamps in The Bayou State). They are on "Section 8" housing. They are on "free lunch," and many already get an additional "crazy check."
Maybe that's it! Maybe they are crazy, and do not know that there are bozillions of federal dollars available for the health care of their chilluns! Yeah...that must be it!
So, our Federal gubmit, that is so deep in the hole that it can't even find a spot to pee, decides to spend many millions of dollars to advertise the fact that they have even MORE millions of dollars available to give away to folks that already are consuming trillions of dollars...
Makes perfect sense to me!
Now, don't get me wrong. I love children. Kinda. I mean, I love my children, and can often tolerate other children. Well, maybe I don't really love children...but I don't want any child to suffer without health care. Yeah, that's it...
LaCHIP has a computer page that very well 'splains the income requirements to get FREE health care for your children. It is interesting. It shows the various income levels that one must stay beneath in order to get FREE health care.
I am struck by the lead paragraph that boasts, "A family of 4 can earn as much as $55,000 and still qualify for LaCHIP coverage for kids." Then I am further struck by the fact that a family of "1" earning $21,660 per year also gets the same FREE deal. What is a family of "1"???
But, let's look at a family of "8." That small family of "8" (which does not include the incomes of grandparents, or stepparents living in the home according to the LaCHIP computer page) can still get FREE health care if they make only a measly $74,028 per year.
I'm proud to be an American!
To celebrate, I think I will drive to the top of the Huey Long/O.K. Allen Bridge that connects Shreveport and Bossier City...and throw myself into the Red River. With any luck, I will not survive...
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