Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walk Fast!

I ran across a piece at The American Thinker that is both enlightening, and enraging. No, that's too is really just "confirming" of things I already know.

Laird Jenkins has written a piece entitled "Walk Fast." I wish that there were more details available about "where" this Jenkins lives, and more details about "at risk" students being paid $8.15 per hour to go to high school with our "stimulus" money.

The piece almost reads like fiction. I don't know. But it is worth a read. Who knows? Maybe Mr. Jenkins will notice a link to his post and contact us with further details. That would certainly be welcomed!

Read it...and weep.


  1. Holy cow. Heck, I would do the usual and blame Obama, but that dude was an idiot WAY before Barry came along.

  2. 2006 paved the way, and 2008 became the Year of the Morons In Charge (a sitcom is probably winnowing its way through Hollyweird as we sit here dumbfounded).


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?