Friday, November 6, 2009

Fort Hood Horror...

Okay...if you tuned in to read what Andy thinks about the demonic Muslim that brutally murdered 13 soldiers, and wounded dozens of others. Here it is. He's an Islamic P.O.S. that should face the firing squad.

The firing squad should be made up from volunteers (hopefully chosen from the Army buddies of the dead & wounded). But this should be no regular firing squad. No, instead of firing in unison, each should have their turn...yes, a "turn."

Maybe you could like, "draw names." But instead of drawing a "name," each soldier would draw a particular body part. Right foot, left knee, left hand, right shoulder, groin, gut, left hip, etc. And the lucky soldier (the one who draws "brain") would be given the honor of setting the rotation of shots before he finishes the bastard off.

As each soldier fires (setting his own pace...waiting until the full effect of the last shot has set in on the swine), he/or she will shout, "Allahu Akbar!"

I started to put a photo of the worthless piece of dog crap on this post, but decided not to, because he makes me vomit...

I have read some good pieces on this today at some of my favorite blogs.

Rocky, over at Mitchieville


Patrick Conlon

Kill the bastard! Put every Muslim in the military under heavy scrutiny. Even though this piece was written 6 1/2 years ago, Michelle Malkin nailed it to the wall. You would think we would have learned something by now.

I commented somewhere this morning, that as a father of two US Servicemen, I'd rather see them serve next to a gay patriot (openly gay), than a straight Muslim. Their religion is demonic, and that devil drives them. They. Can. Not. Be. Trusted. Period.


  1. Moss, very interesting, thanks.
    Andy, AMEN.

    I am always amazed at the amount of denial that goes on in this country about the Jihad that is taking place. I'm sure there are some wild celebrations going on across the state from me in Dearborn, Michigan (Arabtown, USA) right now. Sorry, but here's some Bible quotin' fer ya regarding Ishmael the father of the Arabs, just to remind us:

    "You shall name him Ishmael,
    for the Lord has heard of your misery.

    He will be a wild donkey of a man;
    his hand will be against everyone
    and everyone's hand against him,
    and he will live in hostility
    toward all his brothers" (Genesis 16:10-12).

    Their hands against everyone through the centuries.

  2. Heh! Deanna, Bible quotin' is always allowed, and NEVER to be prefaced with "Sorry, but..."

    Even if I don't like what gets quoted, I know it's true. ;)

  3. Sorry but... I'm back. My overuse of the word “sorry” is left over from my London vernacular. Combined with a Michigan twang. My ears hurt just thinking about how I sound. Sorry.

    After several interruptions, like having to shove a casserole in the oven and answering the phone, I am finally finished reading your blog and shall go over to Mr. Conlon’s to get further educated and one-hit-wondered. Maybe I'll stop at Cute Overload first for some much needed cute. I recommend it. It's Friday, I've worked all week, the news is awful and I need some dopey, mindless entertainment. And... I ain't sorry. I hope you and Mrs. Andy have a good weekend.

  4. Thanks for the link, Andy. I feel the same way about executing this POS but a firing squad is too dignified. Even though I'm against the death penalty, he should be hanged like a common criminal.

  5. Well said, Andy. We're in complete agreement here.

  6. Andy and Patrick, I agree he needs kill'n but I can think of some very slow, painful ways. Almost feel guilty thinking about it. Agree he needs go and find his way to a deep dark HELL.

  7. Torture the bastard and get the whole story out of him; then send his ass to meet his 72 virgin camels with porcupine twats in Hell.

  8. Yeah, I feel a little bit guilty about my plan for dealing with the dude.

    I'm not a death penalty fan, either. But, if you've read this blog long enough, you know that I believe in the "life penalty." I may go revisit that, just to 'splain.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?