Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Morning Funny...Courtin'

Hey y'all! Hugs, kisses, yada yada yada...

I've got a lot going on today, but I wanted to drop y'all a cute one. I mentioned yesterday that I had seen two really cute videos. The first one is below, if ya' missed's from a high school reunion.

I'll bet that more than just a few men can identify with as they think back on their courtin' days. And I'm posting it at the risk of offending the ladies. Again.

Stolen off of Sully Oh Love!


  1. I just can't understand why I'm single again....

  2. Hey Sully! I've had some funny e-mails about that one. Thanks for letting me steal it.

    It's WAY familiar man... ;)

  3. There were certainly times in my single days when I felt this way. This is funny in a viciously bitter sort of way.

    And I don't think it's necessarily anti-female, the same cartoon could easily be done with a woman being the focus and her finding love only when she had breast implants.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?