Saturday, February 13, 2010

Black History Month, Feb. 13, 2010

Hey y'all! Hugs, kisses, yada yada yada...

On this day in Black History, it is time for our Black History Month psoriasis update. Now, some of you may wonder why it is a tradition here at Andy's Place to update the progress (or lack thereof) of my psoriasis condition.

It's simple. I do it as a public service. You would be surprised at how many searchers (mostly through The Gooble) land at Andy's Place searching for images of "guttate psoriasis," or "psoriasis info," etc. Dozens daily. So, I have decided that it is important to other sufferers. Plus, I've learned to feed The Gooble what it likes...keep it happy, ya' know.

So, here we are yesterday afternoon. And, it's good news, and bad news. The good news is that the Salicylic Acid greasy cream is doing a good job, as I have been more faithful to treat the annual outbreak on the ring finger of my right hand.

In the photo, you can see much improvement. I have pointed out where this year's scar will be when healing is complete. And, you'll note that I have "clipped my talons," so as not to gross Cosmic out again.
(As always, you can click on it to see how pretty it is real big!)

The bad news is (and it's not plain to you in the photo), that the "Uh Oh!" is something new. I've never had an outbreak on the middle finger of that hand. But one is a'comin'. That finger is starting to swell, and I can see the little psoriasis bumps starting. I'm gonna jump on top of this one quicker than I did the last, and hopefully get both of 'em all healed up by about mid-March.

It won't be Black History Month then, but I'll show y'all anyway when it's all better.

Don't bother to thank me...

I will have a post later on today that I always look forward to. It is the post that annually runs off about 75% of our regular visitors. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but the snow had me all mixed up on things. It doesn't take much...

Y'all have a good day...gotta go buy a starter relay for my car and HOPE it'll crank! I love y'all! I mean it...


  1. In 1968, I went to Vietnam like a lot of good soldiers. I was told that If I went to OCS, I wouldn't have to fill sand bags. They lied and most of us filled bags until we had overhead cover and could sleep safely. To this day I get what the VA calls Sand Bag fungus. It is small little round spots that break out on my fingers from time to time. The good news is that most good Athletes's Foot preparations will kill it is a week or so. Just a damned little thing and the VA doesn't give a diasblility for such things. I giess I could probably go there, stand in line and get free cream or just go to Walgreen's. MUD

  2. being a bit older than you, let me remind you that Psoraisis does not improve with age. In fact, it gets worse. One thing I have noticed, is when I eat fast food (Hardee's etc.) it gets worse....also sugar, as in chocolate seems to trigger -----
    so, I'm trying to eat more veggies and less processed stuff.
    My theory is that the body's immune systems steadily weakens after 40 or so and is much more susceptible to chemicals etc from our diets.
    another difficulty with psosraisis is that the reaction or outbreak is days later, making it hard to pin down the trigger food or whatever.
    veriword---- focal + wheelchair pic

  3. MUD. that's a new one on me...Sandbag fungus. Hmmm...I'm gonna look into that.

    fshafer, thanks for the good news! I can hardly wait for it to get worse as I age. Nyuk! Yeah, psoriasis is a mystery in a lot of ways. I am a heavy vegetable eater, and stay away from sugar (usually). In fact, my first outbreak several was my worst...all over my chest.

    But, I can count on it to make a nearly annual appearance now on my hands. And, it has been harder to fight every year as I've aged. It's a pain. But, as with everything, it could be worse. The old, "I griped about psoriasis on my finger, until I saw a man with no hands" thing. Thanks for the input.

  4. Dear God, what blogging talent, to connect black history month and your psoraisis. My hat is off to you, sir!

  5. Yeah yeah yeah...I know Jim. It's a gift...and quite possibly the biggest stretch in all of blogdom. Nyuk!

  6. Black history month... let me try:
    once there was a group of people who managed to make another group of people so quilty and polite that they were able to get vast sums of money and other benefits to include even their women......... and the guilty group even helped and learned to enjoy it in the blanket of new age compassion.....and oh, they felt so good..... look at us!! we are the enlightened.... please come rape our country, if you live elsewere. Centuries later, there were no traces or stories of these kind, misquided fools except for stories handed down by the fireside. and every day was a black day..........
    gee.... my mom said that was terrible, I'll try again next year.
    tiene un buen dia..........

  7. fshafer, you're a good writer. Do you have a blog? If not, you ought to think about it, and let me know if you fire one up, please. Or, drop me an e-mail at if you'd like to post some stuff.

  8. tu eres un lisonjero Andrecito, pienso. Pero no tengo blog, solo leo y escrito cosas tontas.
    No quisiera insulto, solo a bromear.
    veripalabra = kross
    kross no trabaja
    ahora = ovalo

  9. Not silly at all fshafer. Glad to have the input...and entertainment, btw.

  10. I hope the psoriasis gets better quickly, Andy.

  11. If you keep your finger out of your nose, your finger wont get infected and your nose wont bleed.

  12. Heh! I didn't think you were a real person Trenton. But now I know you are, and appreciate the advice. I never thought about how I might be getting psoriasis out of my nose.

    Maybe it is an airborne disease, that infects that way. How's it going with the chicks?

  13. I haven't scored with many hot chicks this week but I been really busy

  14. Trenton, man, you're WAY TOO BUSY then. Keep us updated, would ya'?


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?