Tuesday, February 2, 2010

CRUD! (#187)

Image drop from Cowdad.

Oh man...has The Mrs. ever been in this spot before as the mother of four!

And, you know the old saying, "Some days you eat the bear, and some days the bear eats you."

Reckon they took a mulligan on that one?


  1. The first time I saw the foto of the mom ducks and her little ones it was captioned, "bad parenting".

    ... and from time to time, I see examples of that in the Walmart or wherever and I long to say to the kid in question, "I'm sorry your fat mom is mean to you".

    marc in calgary.

  2. Heh! Good one, Marc! Thanks for the chuckle.

  3. And one golfer ran to his golf bag and grabbed his sneakers. The other golfer said, "Hey you can't outrun a bear". The first golfer said, " All I have to do is out run you."
    Barb tells a story about one of her students that spent the summer on his Grandmothers farm. It seems that a fox grabbed a hen and to hatch her nest of the eggs, Grandmother put them under the pet duck. Things went well until the second day after their birth she took them down to the pond. They followed and it was peep, peep, glub, glub... The chicks can't swim. The student's mother confirmed the story to Barb. MUD

  4. Well, I've never encountered grizzly bears on the golf course, but the Evergreen golf course is commonly overrun with elk. Huge elk.

  5. MUD: Nyuk! Oh man, kids do the darndest things...Barb's got a million of 'em, I bet...kinda like her husband. That's funny.

    Cosmic, do you get a do-over if an elk totals your golf ball? Or, your golf cart?


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?