Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How 'Bouts We Play Us A Little Game?

It's been a while since we played "Can You Spot the Canadian?," but I got another game to play instead.

I'm going to give you a link to a photo. This photo is of the Skyline of a major city. See if you can "Identify That Skyline!"

Should you choose, you may certainly leave your guess in the comments.

Image source


  1. Has to be San Francisco - you can tell by the hills . . well, the heels too . . .

  2. Nyuk! I think I see the Transamerica Pyramid.

  3. Gotta be SF! The hills give it away, let alone the native fruit tree in the fore ground.

  4. Ug, now that I've plucked out my eyes, what am I gonna do?

  5. Don't you EVER do that again! You're not that hard to find, yanno?



Don't cuss nobody out, okay?