Monday, May 10, 2010

Funny story...

So, these three Mexicans are walking down the street...

I'm sitting here in my office, looking out the front window, and three Mexicans walk by in single file on the sidewalk.  Well, actually it was 8 Mexicans.  They were all about 19 or 20 year-old girls.  Two of them were pushing strollers with little ones, and they were all three about 7 months pregnant.  So, that's "8" Mexicans, right?  And, whatcha' want to bet it'll be 11 this time next year?

The story is not funny at all.  But, it happens around here every day.  I couldn't grab my camera quickly enough to snap a shot...but it doesn't've seen it.

It just reminded me that I've been meaning to link to Inno's post, "Stinko de Mayo" for several days.  The parade jogged my memory.  Innominatus is one of my favorite blogs.  Consider this a recommendation.

That is all...


  1. Behold, death by demographics (of western civilization). We're doomed...

  2. 'fraid so, Dadman. You see it probably more than do I.

    At least y'all are trying to do something about it.

  3. I don't get it. You're upset because you see pregnant women walking in a row? Are you upset that they are all under 25? Should they "stay at home where they belong"? Did your wife ever walk while pregnant? What did they say about her?


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?