Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Guitar Wars!!! Part dos (in honor of Cinco de Mayo)...

Okay, so Dapper Dan has posted his "part deux" (that's French) in The Great Guitar War!  It was quite educational, and enjoyable.  There is another piece by Doc Watson, and one by Tony Rice.  I've gotta admit ignorance (again), because I had not heard of Tony Rice.  But, I've not really been much of a follower of bluegrass music in my life.  If you want to see an impressive guitarist, check it out.

I think I forgot to invite other bloggers to post some of their favorite guitarists, and get in on the fun.  So, consider yourself invited.

Yesterday, I linked to a Roy Clark video, and posted a video of the incredibly talented  Tuttle Kids.  Today's Salvo in this war features Glen Campbell.  IMHO, Glen Campbell is a very underrated guitarist.  Famous for his pop/country/crossover songs, I believe his picking ability was often overlooked.  There are a million videos of Glen that show off the sheer excellence of his craft..many better than this one will.  But, since Dan featured a duet (I think that's French, too), I settled on this video of Steve Lukather & Glen Campbell jamming, and visiting about the music biz back in the day.  It's not all pickin', but I enjoyed the heck out of it.

BTW, Lukather ain't bad himself...


  1. Well, I can't play in this genre, being three points to the right of "idiot" where shi... er, bluegrass/country is concerned. But I've posted lotsa guitarists over at my place, the latest being a flamenco piece. My tastes run more to Knopfler, Clapton, Ry Cooder, and about six or eight ol' Delta Blues guys... most of 'em dead.

  2. I see Glen is still playing an Ovation in this clip...

  3. Andy, this is a really great viewtube. Campbell is indeed one of the mighty ones and like Lukather says does throwaways that most guitarists would die for. After seeing your post, my wife and I started trying to remember when we first saw Campbell. We think it was an old syndicated tv show in the early 1960's; the title was Rural Route or something like that. But Wiki doesn't mention it and I don't have time to search more. We thought he was great on that show but didn't know at the time that he was already doing all that session work and filling in for the Brian Wilson! Campbell is a great guitarist and I'll be hard pressed to find something to match what you and Buck have posted. But I'll give it a shot tomorrow. I won't post till fairly late again because we're in the middle of some exterior painting/staining.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?