Monday, June 7, 2010

Andy does his Glenn Reynolds impersonation... #12

For no particular reason...

Drive-by Clogging. 

Drive-by Clogging.


  1. Now that's amazing. That is real bluegrass (yes, I watched the whole thing).

  2. Jim, even though I'm not a true bluegrass fan, I was captivated by that video.

    From what I understand it was shot in 1963 in North Carolina. The effort those young kids put in to it was really something!

    And, ya' gotta love the old dudes in the band...a couple of them reminded me of a few old guys I knew back in the day.

  3. I could watch that all day. I've seen some "square dancers" who get after it about like that.

    By the way, you could take square dancing as a PE class at the college I went to. Just sayin'.

  4. So... ummm... Howcum no one had clogs on? How can it be clog-dancing if no one is wearing clogs? Life is just FULL of lil mysteries.

    wv: zatrac. A little known mystic from ancient Egypt who had all the answers to life's lil mysteries. Alas, his work was lost in the Great Alexandria fire.

  5. It is hard to believe that one of those people was to become the lead singer of The Doors.

  6. Staci, I figgered y'all could take "fence mending" in college. But, Square Dancin' sounds like lots more fun. I took "Bowling." Sigh.

    Buck, I noticed that, too. I reckon poor kids do with what they've got. As to "zatrac"...he was one of my favorites. Was it that big gas well blow-out a couple of months ago in Alexandria that got his stuff? Actually, I'm a little confused. I thought Zatrac was from Baton Rouge.

    Paul, Nyuk! There certainly was a great divide amongst the chirrens of that era. Jimbo was definitely a southern boy. These kids were more "mid-Atlantic."

    Man, I just love that video...the old round tube TV, Grams & Gramps cloggin' up...the camera man catching himself in the mirror...snaggle-tooth musical genius that reminds me of "Stringbean"...the old grouchy Granny Somebody's photo on the wall.


    This is quite a piece of work.

    "Classic" in my book.

  7. Um, fence mending was for graduate level only.

    So, I took bowling too. Downswing, backswing, forwardswing, release.

  8. Staci, I am astounded!

    I did not know they had bowling alleys in Oklahoma.

    You musta went to one of them "rich kid colleges."


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?