Thursday, June 3, 2010


Heck!!!   I forgot to post a picture of what The Mrs.-in-law gave #4 son for his 14th birthday!

It's kinda like a "Jackalope"  But, it's even better, because you can spend it after you get finished eating it.

14 year old kids just love this kind of melon!!! 

Sure, you might say that it's "hokie!"  But, you can't fool me! You'll be making one of these for one of your children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren etc. when their next birthday rolls around!     

The Mrs. In-law definitely had her thinkin' cap on!


  1. Only a grandma could come up with that! What a deal, food and money!

  2. Grandma was using her melon :)

  3. Jim...Grandmas are something, for sure!

    Nancy, Nyuk! I printed a picture of it for Grandma. I'll write that on the back of it.

  4. Way cool! Happy Birthday to SN4!

  5. Yep -- I'm stealing it!

    -- Moogie


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?