Monday, August 16, 2010

I go to work for ONE DAY...

...and the boy breaks his toys!

So, I go to work this morning.  For the first time in over 20 years I actually have to get up, get dressed to conform to a "dress code," haul my cookies over there to work for another guy.

And, after a long day at the office, I hit the house about 6:30 pm and find this...

That was Paul's trampoline.

You can see that Sadie is all disturbed behind it!

I'll swear, the boy is gonna need better supervision!!!

No, seriously, we must have had one heckuva blow here at Andy's Place.  I watched a pretty big storm come through my new place of employment, but didn't see any big wind over yonder.  I'm thinking we can probably salvage it.  It looks like everything survived...just gonna have to piece it back together probably.

Fortunately, I walked the yard and didn't find any shingles, so maybe we're okay on the roof.  The good thing is that it cooled everything down, and brought some BADLY needed moisture.

As far as the job...I'll give it a thumbs up at first blush.  By this weekend, I'll have lots of thoughts to share about a fish out of water trying to inhale.

This is gonna be interesting. 


  1. My brother wants to give me his boy's old trampoline (my GGs call it a jumpoline). But here in OK, the wind can send things flying to the next county.

  2. I'm in the same boat as Lou: FIERCE wind here on The High Plains of NM. Then again, I have no earthly need for a trampoline.

    I'm glad you're liking your first day on the job, Andy. I'd have hated to read "Well now... THIS sucks!"

  3. Maybe the boy was just trying to get your attention!

    We were all sad to have to donate our trampoline to charity when we moved from Little Rock. There's no room for it at Moogie's mansion.

    Glad the roof is intact and temps are more moderate. Pretty rainy here.

  4. Andy, ditto Buck on the new job. I figure you'll be running that company in a few weeks.I had a snarky remark about you finally gettin' off welfare, but I won't make it. Heh.

    That must have been a pretty good wind. BTW, nice looking Cub Cadet (?I think that's what it is).


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?