Friday, November 12, 2010

"Ever-thin' went haywire" in Kentucky!

On a tip from Jim.


  1. You know, I had one going - that's why I shaved again.

  2. He knowed it!!! Only in Kentucky! BTW...that is one of the news stations we watch here in 'Tucky...I missed that episode so thanks for keeping me in the KNOW....Now I KNOWED IT! :)

  3. Since I live in Lexington, I can tell y'all for sure this kinda of person is certainly in the minority here. Lexington is the Castro Street of Kentucky. Seriously.

  4. Yeah Paul, I knowed there was them types in Lex.

    Dr. Jill, I reckoned y'all mighta hada knowed this old boy. Glad I could hep keep y'all in the loop.

    Jim, I wonder if greasy beard has more calories than shampooed beard. I'm gonna have to look in to that.

  5. I love the dude's hat. And people down south wonder where the stereotypes come from.

  6. Actually Buck, most of us down South don't wonder at all where the stereotypes come from.

    In fact, some of 'em are kinfolk.


  7. I'm sorry, I'm not even beginning to accept this notion that Kentucky is a "southern" state. If Kentucky is "southern" then so is Colorado.

  8. Cosmic, us southerners know that Kentucky is not really "southern." But you've got to classify it as something, and since the Mildcats play in the SEC we own it. Sigh...

  9. While watching this I could only think of one thing, "Paddle faster, I HEAR BANJO MUSIC!"

  10. Well G.R., at least all they made him eat was his beard.

    Just sayin'...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?