Thursday, January 29, 2009


The more important question to me is "What TUNE do I play?"

Lately I find myself really despising myself. As I watch what is happening to the US, I become increasingly frustrated with my inability to throw some sort of wrench in the works of this runaway train. Socialism, massive transfer of debt to my children, and tight government control of all our lives seems (let me get my word book...) inevitable.

I find myself angry more often...unsettled...frustrated...disappointed, and though not depressed...down. Those are feelings and emotions that I do not enjoy. I've always been a "glass-half-full-and-filling-fast" kinda guy. That's the Andy that I like. Don't get me wrong, I am a realist. But I've always been able to find an upside in a down moment.

When I saw this video it made me stop and consider. I have allowed the actions of men to effect my spirit. I'm gonna have to work on that...


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