Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Okay, so I posted a prayer request for Keith Olbermann the other day. I swear y'all...keep praying for the old boy...nobody should go to hell. Evidently, my first meager attempt at PhotoShop with Keith Olbermann's face coming out of a horses' ass as poop bothered somebody...

I almost made up a big old somewhat funny/mostly lame computer letter from poor Keith in response.

But I thought...NO...only libs put words in the mouth of other folks. So, I refrained from durring it, due to the fact that it would have been only somewhat funny/mostly lame/and un-Christian.

So...I get this computer letter a few minutes ago from some chick who goes by...oops...I almost put her computer letter address up on the computer. I have learned not to do that because I am Christian, and praying for Keith Olbermann.

So, when I was looking at the computer address, I'm thinking that her computer letter address is short for "very nice chick@yahoo.com." And I was right. She seems like a real nice gal.

This is what she wrote to me...

I just found your blog by accident and read your pathetically inept screed on Keith Oberman. I heard a quote by a Republican operative the other day that I think aptly applies to you; "Why should the White House be critical of Republicans when they already possess a circular firing squad of their own."

I do enjoy finding blogs like yours. It reminds me how pathetic the opposition is when they spout vitriol instead of substance. As long as people like you keep opening their pieholes at will, it reminds the rest of us why your party was booted out of power in the first place. Keep up the good work!!

Well, to Very Nice Chick... You do realize that Keith Olbermann's name is not spelled "Oberman," don't you? What does "inept" mean? Is that like "in E.P.T"...heck, I know about that stuff from way back...but I reckon that one went over your head.

I know what "pathetic" means because I have looked at Keith's program once "by accident." You need to learn English...it's "on accident."

I'll agree with you that BarackO' and his mob are worrying way too much about dumbass Republicans...They are shooting each other in the head in a circular firing squad. So, why is your heartthrob BarackO' and his Chicago mob boyz worrying so much about them?

And to finish this whole deal up...I will keep opening up my "piehole." I just love you. You gotta be a southern gal...kiss, kiss.


  1. You got OWNED by a girl.

    Odd thing. Your e-mail is not on your blog page, she had to go to your profile page. That Olberdouche article must have really upset her.

    (I think it was Keith hisself. I can picture him running The Google on his own name fifteen times a day.)

  2. Well TD, I thought about that myself. It could be Keith. I'll bet he's got "staff" infections that sit around cruising Al's internext...just looking for praise. NBC & GE are still not yet bankrupt, and he can probably still pay folks "off the books" to check Gooble while he's busy fertilizing pastures.

    You do have to go to my profile to get that other e-mail address.

    I didn't know what I was doing when I started this world changing blog. So, I just filled in the blanks with Google...and walla!!!

    So, if I ever get the time to quit being foolish, and actually take it seriously, I will make it like a real one...like those that show up AT THE TOP OF GOOBLE SURCHES!...

    I know a guy whose award-winning blog hits the front page most every time. When I get to that point, I will make his life miserable axing for advice.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?